Harrisburg 41-2

Celebrating CTE Month with DECA

The Harrisburg School District Season 1 Episode 8

Every February, the CTE community celebrates CTE Month® to raise awareness of the role that CTE has in readying learners for college and career success. CTE Month is also a time to recognize and celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of our CTE partners at the local, state and national level.

This month, we turn the reins over to Mrs. Breanne Lynch, CTE Coordinator for the District, who will interview our CTSO advisors and student leaders. Today's episode features HHS's DECA program. Joining us are:

  • Mrs. Kristi Danscisin | DECA Advisor & Business Education Instructor
  • Evan Gran | HHS Senior & DECA Vice President
  • Isaac Donelan | HHS Senior & DECA President

Career & Technical Education at HHS


00:00:03 JoAnne 

We're giving you more than just the 411. This is the Harrisburg 412 podcast coming to you from Southern Sioux Falls and Harrisburg, SD. 

00:00:16 JoAnne 

We continue to celebrate CTE month here in the Harrisburg School District with our 4th HSC TSO DECA  and that certainly was a mouthful of acronyms, so I will explain them here. 

00:00:29 JoAnne 

HHS, Harrisburg High school’s CTSO career and technical student organization DECA , The distributive education Clubs of America is joining us today. 

00:00:42 JoAnne 

They are an association of marketing students that encourage the development of business and leadership skills through academic conferences and competitions. 

00:00:52 JoAnne 

We will once again turn it over to Mrs. Brianne Lynch, our CTE coordinator for the Harrisburg School District who will interview our students and their advisor today. 

00:01:03 Breanne 

Alright, so we are here with Harrisburg High School. 

00:01:06 Breanne 

DECA  and their advisor Mrs. KRISTI Danscisin. 

00:01:08 Breanne 

If you could share your name, your office and maybe the highlight of DECA  for you so far. 

00:01:15 Evan 

So my name is Evan Gran and I'm the vice president of leadership and I think so far the highlight of my DECA de experience has been on competing in the state competitions. 

00:01:24 Evan 

It's just been a lot of fun and I've been able to hear like a lot of people speak on. 

00:01:30 Evan 

You know, wide ranges of like what they do in business and stuff like that so. 

00:01:35 Isaac 

My name is Isaac Donelon. 

00:01:36 Isaac 

I'm the DECA  president. 

00:01:37 Isaac 

This year I'm a senior as well and I think my favorite highlight from DECA  so far was competing last year in the state DECA  competition. 

00:01:45 Isaac 

I competed with Evan and we did an event where we had to act like financial advisors to a judge and the judge asked us various questions and then we kind of acted as if we were advising the judge. 

00:01:58 Isaac 

So that was very fun. 

00:02:01 Kristi 

Great, my name is Mrs. Danscisin and I am the deck advisor and I would say unfortunately I haven't participated in the state competition yet, but I'm looking forward to it. 

00:02:10 Kristi 

It comes it's coming up here in February on the 27th, so my highlight has been really getting to lead the store, our student store called The Roar Store and working with the students to develop their skills with customer service and just learning how to run a store and then integrating some of the things that we do in the store into my classes like accounting and things like that. 

00:02:36 Breanne 

OK, so you talked about the Roar store. 

00:02:37 Breanne 

Which is like this hot thing right in Harrisburg High School. 

00:02:39 Breanne 

It's where the Froyo and the coffee comes from, so that's exciting. 

00:02:42 Breanne 

So can somebody give me the 411? How did this all come about? Because it's not every day that a high school has access to frozen yogurt and espresso in their commentary. 

00:02:53 Isaac 

Yeah, so I someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was two years ago, the roaster started off as just being a froyo machine and the room, and so we sold Froyo for 250 a cup and we've kept the price at that. And then as the years went on, we kind of expanded the store last year. 

00:03:13 Isaac 

At near the end of the year we got chips Cheetos and this year we got sodas and bubblers and we started making cookies and lattes and it basically just expanded as as time went on and it's grown into a huge thing that the students can work in to gain more skills in business. 

00:03:34 Kristi 

I would I would love to give a shout out to Mr. Ryan Kroger who is the prior DECA  leader and his vision that he had for this war store, not just his vision but the other CTE leaders or CTS leaders. 

00:03:49 Kristi 

Because it doesn't the store doesn't happen just with DECA , but the other groups that will be highlighted in this podcast have all had a piece of that that you hear you heard about. 

00:04:00 Kristi 

Products there are things that our Pro start puts together and things like that, but you know really the vision behind the store was to have something real and something that can impact students where they see a business in the real world they see how decisions are made, they see not everything is. 

00:04:21 Kristi 

Exciting and fun, but you have to decide what to get. 

00:04:25 Kristi 

We got tiger wear this year. 

00:04:27 Kristi 

That's a big item. 

00:04:28 Breanne 

OK, tiger wear like what's tiger wear? 

00:04:32 Kristi 

Oh the anything that has the Harrisburg logo. You've got sweatshirts and T-shirts and we just got some sweatpants in and that's you know everybody has to have their gear to wear to game. So that was something that we added. And the marketing classes last year got to spend time. 

00:04:52 Kristi 

With the distributors looking at what was offered and they sat down and said hey, this is what's hot in the market right now. 

00:05:00 Kristi 

And make some choices based on that information and I mean. 

00:05:04 Kristi 

How cool is that yeah and stuff flew off the shelves, right? 

00:05:07 Breanne 

You hit up those freshmen hard with that freshman orientation, right? 

00:05:10 Breanne 

They're they're the captive audience and and also the location of the Roar store, right? 

00:05:13 Breanne 

It's in the freshman Academy Commons area, so it's close and I would say that's probably one of your target markets, right? 

00:05:19 Breanne 

If you look at the business education aspect of what the Roar Store has brought about. 

00:05:23 Breanne 

So being a former business educator, I love the Roar store. 

00:05:26 Breanne 

It's fantastic. 

00:05:27 Breanne 

What do you think some of the greatest learning outcomes? 

00:05:30 Breanne 

Or maybe DECA  DECA  like, experiences have been because of the. 

00:05:34 Isaac 

Store well, I think one of the biggest things that students learn in the store is just how to. 

00:05:39 Isaac 

Run a shop because you learn a lot of experience through just learning all of the activities that you need to do, like making cookies, making coffee, making Froyo and also the money side, you have to learn how to run a cash register. 

00:05:52 Isaac 

You have to learn how to take people's checks and things like that, so that really gives people some experience in managing a store so. 

00:05:58 Breanne 

You've talked about Froyo, cookies and coffee, and you. 

00:06:00 Breanne 

Have a business partner? 

00:06:02 Breanne 

Either you know a wholesale distributor or business partner that made those things possible, so Mrs. Danscisin can you speak to those a little bit? 

00:06:09 Kristi 

Yeah, and. 

00:06:11 Kristi 

Might hear a little bit of this through the Pro Start group as well, but we have a partnership with Cafea here in the area that we have all of our beans come from them and and they provide us with great prices and the ability to market for them because everybody likes their coffee and then they get business from outside the school as well. 

00:06:35 Kristi 

Let's see, you know we are standard vendors like Coke and Pepsi have done really great work with us to deliver. 

00:06:43 Kristi 

Add us to their delivery and even when we only need a couple cases of soda, they're right there smiling and bringing them to us just because they like the idea of the store, so at one time the deck of program was the number one. 

00:06:55 Breanne 

Grocer of Anna's frozen yogurt in the Midwest region. 

00:06:58 Kristi 

I believe that's. 

00:06:58 Kristi 

Still a true, it's still a. 


Facts, yeah. 

00:07:00 Breanne 

True fact, and so the amount of Froyo that is sold in the halls of Harrisburg High School is a little bit insane. 

00:07:05 Breanne 

So there's multiple flavors. 

00:07:06 Breanne 

It's not just one offering, and you know you guys get to help determine some of those things as well. 

00:07:11 Breanne 

So the Roar store has been a great success story. 

00:07:13 Breanne 

Transition more back into different DECA  opportunities. 

00:07:16 Breanne 

So when I attend a state leadership conference, for example, Evan, what do I get to see as a member of DECA . 

00:07:22 Evan 

Oh yeah, so like last year we had people speak from like the USD the Business School there you know you get to hear people from all backgrounds talk about like the speaker. Last year from USD talked about how she got her PhD in economics and how she's like. 

00:07:41 Isaac 

Gone through her career with that and aside from that, there's a lot of different stations with different judges, like how I touched on earlier. 

00:07:49 Isaac 

We were a financial advisor to our judge. 

00:07:51 Isaac 

There's a lot of different stations like that where people are doing events and competing in different things to their judges. 

00:07:58 Kristi 

Yeah, in fact I made a note here of the different clusters that there are for. 

00:08:04 Kristi 

Competition within the DECA  organization and there's business and administration finance. 

00:08:11 Kristi 

You know those two kind of go hand in hand, entrepreneurship, hospitality and then marketing. 

00:08:17 Kristi 

So all of the deck of students I think have a different. 

00:08:21 Kristi 

They all have different personalities of course, but they're all looking at these different. 

00:08:26 Kristi 

Areas and some of them want to go into sports marketing and so that's where they really focus. 

00:08:31 Kristi 

Some of them are interested in the finance and. 

00:08:34 Kristi 

That's you know, like these two here that are sharing. 

00:08:36 Kristi 

So it's fun to see how their different personalities play into how they choose their events and things like that. 

00:08:43 Kristi 

The other thing that these guys didn't mention because it's new this year they're going to do a community service project at the conference as well. 

00:08:51 Kristi 

So while people, the layout of the conference... When you come in, there's a speaker and then we'll have the community service that goes on simultaneously as the students are going out and competing. 

00:09:02 Kristi 

So you might have a, you know a 15 minute window where you're gone from that and you go compete. 

00:09:07 Kristi 

So that they thought that would be fun to put the community service together. 

00:09:11 Breanne 

Sounds awesome, I got to see the DECA  conference in action last year. 

00:09:13 Breanne 

I got to come and present the session, so that was really fun. 

00:09:16 Breanne 

So it's really fun to see students that are focused inside of the business sector, especially that finance sector. 

00:09:21 Breanne 

We think it's kind of a little bit boring and antiquated, but we still know that business is the number one four-year college. 

00:09:26 Breanne 

Major across the country, so knowing that there are still so many students that are going to Business School right that want that degree in a in a business area. 

00:09:34 Breanne 

It's really important that we have the deck program here in Harrisburg to help launch some of those experiences as well. 

00:09:40 Breanne 

What are some of the service opportunities may be available for DECA  students right here in Harrisburg? 

00:09:46 Isaac 

Well, one of the things you can do for DECA  state is you can actually sign up for a service event so I know two years ago when I first joined DECA , our group's event was a school wide food drive. So what we did was we organized the drive. We reach out to teachers and told them that. 

00:10:01 Isaac 

We're going to set a box outside your door, or we're going to go around door to door and take the food that the students had brought and they put them outside. 

00:10:11 Isaac 

And that was a big success. 

00:10:12 Isaac 

And then we took it over to the Harrisburg Food Pantry. 

00:10:15 Kristi 

We so this wasn't specific to DECA , but we did have here at Harrisburg. 

00:10:20 Kristi 

We have a senior project where students are encouraged to go do a community service activity and then come back and and report how that impacted the community, how it changed them. 

00:10:32 Kristi 

And it's just a great thing to to have them see the big picture. 

00:10:36 Kristi 

Not everything is just about finance and about your grades. 

00:10:39 Kristi 

It's about being a a well-rounded human being and giving back. Yes, right? I mean, that's that's maybe simplifying it a lot, but that's the end goal. When you leave high school. So this. 

00:10:42 Breanne 

That's what we got right? 

00:10:43 Breanne 

This is in this in well-rounded human beings, yeah. 

00:10:52 Kristi 

Last year we were we partnered with Joey Nielsen who's also a DECA  member. 

00:10:56 Kristi 

One of our leaders as well, and his senior project was to have the Roar Store give two days of their profit. 

00:11:05 Kristi 

To the food pantry I guess the food pantry is probably big fans of duck at this point. 

00:11:09 Kristi 

Since we done. 

00:11:10 Kristi 

A couple of projects to them. 

00:11:12 Kristi 

But yeah, so that's not something we had done in the past. 

00:11:15 Kristi 

That's new and it it worked out really well. 

00:11:18 Kristi 

I think the store itself gave about $880, but then his project he went out and got. 

00:11:25 Kristi 

Other businesses in the area, maybe Mrs. D you could give a couple of the names of who donated, but they said hey we'll match profits and things like that, so we gave almost $3000 in the end through Joyce project to the food pantry, which is fantastic. 

00:11:39 Breanne 

Yeah, so anytime you're working in a nonprofit sector, right? So all of our CTO's technically we have our trust and agency accounts through the school district. But the goal is that that money needs to come out of there. 

00:11:49 Breanne 

Eventually some somehow to support your program, but then also to benefit those in our community. 

00:11:53 Breanne 

And so the beauty of those service project is you get to take the funds that you've raised and really benefit kids, community projects, those types of things. 

00:12:01 Breanne 

And so when you can find those matching donors, that's when your impact really starts to multiply. 

00:12:06 Breanne 

So Joey got to. 

00:12:07 Breanne 

I got to work with Joey a little bit, along with Mrs. Danscisin and Mrs. Around both through the Roar Store give back and find some donors that were able to multiply the revenues of the store. And so when you sit down and think that the Roar store clears about 400. 

00:12:22 Breanne 

Dollars per day on a good day. 

00:12:24 Breanne 

I mean, it's it's close to that Miss Danscisin and I have. 

00:12:26 Breanne 

Math $400.00 a day can make a huge impact to something like an area of food pantry, or, you know, a clothing drive or baby products needs or feminine products needs like we know that those are drives going on in our communities and and that those dollars are significant. 

00:12:41 Breanne 

And then when you can find matching sponsorships to go along with that, your your dollar really goes a lot further. 

00:12:46 Breanne 

So it's a super cool project to work with Joey and to benefit the Harrisburg. 

00:12:50 Breanne 

Area of food pantry and I think it's a good way to show how DECA  and a senior project and the Roar Store and service learning can all come together to really create a really powerful and moving project. 

00:13:01 Breanne 

The story was picked up by the Sioux Valley News, so it's something that just continues to grow and spread a lot of goodwill. 

00:13:07 Kristi 

Well, in fact we are looking at doing a service project similar to what Joey did twice a year. 

00:13:15 Kristi 

So like maybe a fall semester project and a spring semester project. 

00:13:20 Kristi 

Where we give back to something that is in dire need in the Community because it was so successful and it everybody wants to give back and then you get busy and you're doing your homework and you're you're doing, you know and you're you're just living life. 

00:13:33 Kristi 

So this is the way that maybe we can push that and we can give the students an opportunity to maybe look at organizations that are out there. 

00:13:40 Kristi 

And and identify something with the need and go for it. 

00:13:42 Breanne 

Yeah, just spend some money on Froyo and you're helping a good cause, right? 

00:13:45 Breanne 

That's the messaging. 

00:13:46 Breanne 

We want to. 

00:13:47 Kristi 

It's a it's a win win win. 

00:13:49 Breanne 

Well, let's say I'm a freshman or sophomore. 

00:13:51 Breanne 

Maybe I haven't really found my place yet. 

00:13:53 Breanne 

Maybe I tried some sports or other clubs and groups and I I took a business class and I really loved that. 

00:13:58 Breanne 

How do I get involved? 

00:13:59 Breanne 

How do I become a DECA  member? 

00:14:01 Evan 

Oh yeah, so the first step to becoming a DECA  member is honestly just talking to either a member of the leadership team or Miss Dee. 

00:14:08 Evan 

You could always sit in on our deck of meetings. They happen every other Thursday at 7:30 in Misty's room B238. So yeah, I think that's the best way to get started. 

00:14:20 Breanne 

What if I'm a little timid like it might be intimidating to walk into that room? 

00:14:25 Breanne 

How can I feel a little bit more comfortable? 

00:14:28 Breanne 

Who should I talk to? 

00:14:28 Isaac 

Well, you can always start off by just sending an e-mail to misty and then we can always talk to you. 

00:14:34 Isaac 

Like if you want to set up a meeting with one of the officers, so it's just one-on-one. 

00:14:39 Isaac 

You don't have to go there with the whole group. 

00:14:41 Isaac 

We can kind of explain what the group does and then you can go to a meeting if you would. 

00:14:45 Breanne 

What do you focus on during your meeting time? 

00:14:47 Kristi 

D of late. 

00:14:49 Kristi 

We've been focusing on a couple of current events these gentlemen here in the room have done a very good job of going out and finding, you know what's really happening in our world right now. 

00:14:58 Kristi 

Whether it's economics, finance, different things like that and pulling that into the meeting to kick us off so everybody's got an interest in that. 

00:15:05 Kristi 

Obviously, if they're in DECA  and that's been a benefit we talk about what's going on with our program, fundraising, what's coming up, like our leadership, and things like that. 

00:15:16 Kristi 

And in fact, if I can just... It's a great segue to something I did want to talk about and and get out there is that I have. 

00:15:24 Kristi 

I teach personal finance here at the school as well and and other business classes, so I see a a very big cross section of the school because that is a graduation requirement and I. 

00:15:35 Kristi 

Am very surprised at the number of people I hear. 

00:15:38 Kristi 

Say I want to start a business. 

00:15:40 Kristi 

I want to be my own boss. 

00:15:42 Kristi 

I'm going to do a side gig business. 

00:15:44 Kristi 

Or, you know, even it. 

00:15:46 Kristi 

Side hustles a big deal or they they want to be a doctor or dentist, but they want to run their own practice well, hey, that's a business. 

00:15:54 Kristi 

So when I look at it and I see all these students, I feel like we shouldn't have. 

00:16:00 Kristi 

Hundreds of people in our DECA  program, you know, not 203040, so that's something that I really want to focus on here in the in the coming years. 

00:16:08 Kristi 

Is that if you are even thinking about doing a business in any way, shape or form, this is a great start for you. 

00:16:15 Kristi 

This and some of the business classes that we offer here at the school. 

00:16:19 Kristi 

And to do that. 

00:16:22 Kristi 

I would like to add on amplify our meetings a little bit as we go forward and maybe bring in some of those business leaders out in our Community that are in these clusters that I mentioned. 

00:16:35 Kristi 

You know, like some entrepreneurs that we know. 

00:16:37 Kristi 

Oh, they're all over the place and and get them to come into our meetings and add that to our current events. 

00:16:42 Kristi 

You know a live person where they can see. 

00:16:45 Kristi 

Hey, this is feasible. 

00:16:46 Kristi 

This is this is realistic for. 

00:16:47 Breanne 

Me yeah, so any of our listeners that are picking up this podcast. 

00:16:50 Breanne 

If you'd be interested in interacting with our DECA  program, either at a. 

00:16:53 Breanne 

Monthly meeting or. 

00:16:55 Breanne 

Just in some way in a class something like that. 

00:16:57 Breanne 

Please reach out. 

00:16:57 Breanne 

There'll be a link and contact information in the show notes of this podcast, as well as the other CSO celebration podcasts, but I agree. 

00:17:05 Breanne 

And in a Harrisburg high school, in a student body population of close to 1700. 

00:17:10 Isaac 

We should have easily 100 kids in DECA  right Mm-hmm. 

00:17:13 Kristi 

To get there, yeah, well, there's been a lot of focus on. 

00:17:18 Kristi 

The store getting set up and we had, you know, I think all of our student organization suffered a little bit when we were out of school. 

00:17:26 Kristi 

And you know, at home schooling and things like that, so you know we're back. 

00:17:31 Kristi 

We're ready to go. 

00:17:32 Kristi 

I've got a great group of seniors at that are leadership this year, and boy, we're going to miss them next year. 

00:17:37 Kristi 

You know, we've got to get those underclassmen in and get them get them rolling, you know, to continue marching forward. 

00:17:43 Breanne 

But it sounds like there's a place for everybody, even if I'm just new and I don't have a lot of experience. 

00:17:48 Breanne 

But if I want to try business or if I just have an interest in it, or maybe crypto was the thing or I just something in the news piqued my interest. 

00:17:55 Breanne 

I should definitely stop by and check out a meeting absolutely. 

00:18:00 Kristi 

There are six, you know very successful DECA  programs in the Sioux Falls, the surrounding schools as well. 

00:18:06 Kristi 

So that's something I'd like to see in the future as well. 

00:18:08 Kristi 

And and I just haven't experienced it yet. 

00:18:10 Kristi 

That partnership maybe between some of us. 

00:18:13 Kristi 

Larger schools in the area to get to know each other a little bit better, maybe right at some conferences together. 

00:18:19 Kristi 

I'd like to see that grow because these kids all know each other from sporting events and different things like that, so maybe we can have a little bit more interaction and and grow the programs that way. 

00:18:30 Breanne 

Can you highlight the CTS revitalization grant and how the CTS is at Harrisburg High School are coming together to really provide some rich experiences for students in DECA  and other organizations. 

00:18:40 Kristi 

Yes, in fact give a shout out to some of the other CSO leaders that that wrote the bulk of the grants. 

00:18:47 Kristi 

Some of us proofread it, and so I want to give credit where credit is. 

00:18:51 Kristi 

That I think Tracy Kern, Tara Fastert and Deb Rambo really put that together and and did a fantastic job. 

00:19:01 Kristi 

It is money that is offered out there for CTC TSO's or organizations that are looking to continue to grow. Maybe revitalize because? 

00:19:11 Kristi 

Of the thing I just mentioned, you know there's been a couple of down years a little bit, so we put together a program to get some leadership training to come in here to Harrisburg. 

00:19:21 Kristi 

Get some here and just a host of things that we want to do nights, yeah. 

00:19:25 Breanne 

Etiquette couple of like professional dress seminars and also a way to promote past successes right? 

00:19:32 Breanne 

There's going to be a really awesome think like sports all time, greatest list, like track records and sports fans. 

00:19:39 Kristi 

Oh yeah, yeah Mm-hmm. 

00:19:39 Breanne 

But for the CTS's, which I think will be a great thing to see in that CTE hallway and really highlight. 

00:19:45 Breanne 

The accomplishments of different CTSO programs throughout Harrisburg's history. 

00:19:49 Kristi 

And marketing, you know when we when we've gone in the past to. 

00:19:54 Kristi 

Talk to freshmen and and show our show off our program. 

00:19:57 Kristi 

You know, we've got, I think a poster that Mrs. 

00:20:00 Kristi 

D made. 

00:20:01 Kristi 

We're going to make we're going to get these really cool posters that are premade very professionally done that we can take with us when we do some of these things. 

00:20:11 Breanne 

So let's jump back into that. 

00:20:12 Breanne 

So Evan and Isaac, like what made you take the leap? 

00:20:15 Breanne 

Why did you join? 

00:20:16 Isaac 

Well, I've always been interested in business and I kind of knew DECA y existed before. 

00:20:21 Isaac 

But my my freshman year I just didn't really. 

00:20:24 Isaac 

I wasn't sure if I wanted to join any like clubs like that, but my sophomore year I was like, yeah, I do want to join some clubs. 

00:20:30 Isaac 

So I joined DECA. 

00:20:31 Evan 

Yeah, I kind of had the same story. 

00:20:33 Evan 

I joined my freshman year because I wasn't sure of what I wanted to do, but I always knew that. 

00:20:38 Evan 

And this was a large area of interest for me. 

00:20:42 Evan 

My mom works in business, so I really just wanted to follow in her footsteps and that's why I joined ECHO. 

00:20:48 Breanne 

What do you think the greatest learning outcome of working? 

00:20:50 Breanne 

In the store has been. I think dealing with customer service has been the biggest thing because I already have had jobs where you have to deal with customers. 

00:21:00 Isaac 

But in the store it's kind of amplified, you know, because my job at the grocery store, the only customer service I have is when people ask me where something is. 

00:21:10 Isaac 

But at the store, it's like every single customer you have to, you know, say hi. 

00:21:13 Isaac 

What can I get? 

00:21:14 Evan 

For you stuff like that, yeah, I basically have the same thing. 

00:21:18 Evan 

It's it's just like building the skills in order to, you know, start the small conversations and to be able to. 

00:21:26 Evan 

Get over like the initial shyness of like the customer interactions has like definitely helped me the most so. 

00:21:33 Breanne 

Mrs. D shared some of her vision and goals for the future of DECA . 

00:21:36 Breanne 

Do either of you have goals that maybe five years from now after graduation you'd like to come back and share your financial successes with us and maybe degree paths and programs. 

00:21:46 Breanne 

What would you want to see? 

00:21:47 Breanne 

Harrisburg High School DECA  look like in five years. 

00:21:51 Isaac 

Well, I think these projects that Misty mentioned and the service projects was a really big thing that I think it would be really cool if we saw more things like that like community impact and also just competing at the state and national competitions. 

00:22:05 Isaac 

I think it would be great to see more membership in those things. 

00:22:09 Evan 

Yeah, yeah, I think growth is the big one for me. 

00:22:12 Evan 

I want to see DECA  like expanded size and years and I think that everything that we have going for us like right now is definitely going to help us grow. 

00:22:20 Evan 

Thanks so much so much in the future, it's there's a solid foundation for Harrisburg High School. 

00:22:25 Breanne 

DECA  or sure. 

00:22:26 Breanne 

Thanks for joining me today. 

00:22:27 Kristi 

Thank you, thank you for having. 

00:22:28 Isaac 

Thank you for having us. 

00:22:29 Breanne 

You can find out more about Harrisburg High School DECA by following the show notes underneath this podcast. 


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